NeedForTrade Documentation

PVB (Previous Value Based) Functions

Previous value based (PVB) functions is a type of functions that use value, calculated in previous call to that function to calculate next value (sample 1). The main reason to create and use PVB functions is performance improvement. First parameter of PVB function is always of type FunctionContext. This parameter is generated automatically and must be passed in PVB function call (sample 2).


Warning! Previous value based functions must be called on each calculation step as their value depends on previously calculated values.


Tip 1: We recommend to call previous value based functions on the top of the calling analysis technique. See warning above.

Tip 2: It's recommended to place PVB abbreviature at the end of previous value based function name.


Sample 1: Previous value based function


Function SummationPVB calculates summary of Length values back, passed by Values parameter. On the first call it calculates summary of Length values back by calling Summation function. On the subsequent calls summary is calculated by using previous summary value.


Analysis Technique Type:



Analysis Technique Properties:

Name Language Type
SummationPVB CSharp (C#) DoubleFunction



Summation function



Name Type Reference Default value
Values DoubleSeries False
Length Integer False


Variable Store:

Name Type Default value
PreviousSummary DoubleSeries



if ( Values.Count == Length ) //Is it a first pass? -> calculating
                                    first value
	Value = Summation(Values, Length);
else // Not a first pass -> Calculating Value, based
    on a previous value
	Value = PreviousSummary[1] + Values[0] - Values[Length];

PreviousSummary[0] = Value; // Storing calculated value 


Sample 2: Previous value based function call


Function AveragePVB calculates average of summary of Length values back, passed by Values parameter. It uses SummationPVB function to calculate summary of Length values back. Variable store is used to hold


Analysis Technique Type:



Analysis Technique Properties:

Name Language Type
AveragePVB CSharp (C#) DoubleFunction



SummationPVB function



Name Type Reference Default value
Values DoubleSeries False
Length Integer False


Variable Store:

Name Type Default value
SummationPVBContext FunctionContext 



Value = SummationPVB(SummationPVBContext, Values, Length) / Length;


See also Indicator Creation Tutorial, Strategy Creation Tutorial, Function Creation Tutorial.